hi guys... NOTHIN'S been going on lately// but i have been studiyin' -exam is comin near....- scared redi!! anyway.. what has been happenin is dat.. in skul today only-can u guess- 4 girls came!!! n monitor n penolong din come... so, i was incharge of da buku ponteng... sigh!!
n this weirdo guy.. out of no where smsed me!! he siad he was 16 but he is in peralihan so he is form 3.. stupid rite...!! n he oso dun noe english dat well... wait a second.. this gives me a really strong clue.... yes!! sry... u might not noe wat i m tokin bout rite?? anyway.. when i solve it i will totally tell u!! this is really important!! hehe.. i noe. i m just blabbering on n on.. hehe!
did i mention dat rish looks really like jossmita!! weird!! after she cut her hair.. from a distance she looks like her!! hehe!
i wanna ask u guys a question. the answer.. just write in my c-box.
wat would you do if u loved sumone.. n that sumone loved u back. but the thing is that the person u love is a robot which is destined to kill you.... ???
from.. YOVISHA!!! ps: i will tell u my answer da nex time i write here!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009

woo hoO!! Diwali was da best.. n tiring..O.o so.. i first got up at 8'45 n went to temple... i saw a few ppl i knew there including geetha n...-dun laugh ah khirujah n rish-,,, Aaron. er.. then i came home n wen to my granma's hse. so nice!! saw my cuzins there- vanisha, vishahan, anan n skantha. later we had breakfast n anan n skantha came over to my hse. we were taking loads of pics!! then when they wen back we went to my OTHER grndparents hse n had lunch there. nice!! then we came back home n i slept for a while. when i woke up.. i saw canny already made cheesecake without me!!-arrgh!! then i changed n wen daown then everybody came-did i mention we were having openhouse?? but for our parents fwens la.. later on more ppl came nn more chhildren oso came. then.. fireworks!!-my nightmare- i was running around taking care of da small children while my sis was busy tokin to sumone else. sigh.. finally l8r mostly everyone wen back so can relax la.. heeh heeh . in da end canny n me slept at about 2.40 in da mornin.. hehe! bye.. n happy DIWALI!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
My mom is gonna rap!!
HEY!! so... how's life?? nevermind dat,. anyway.. err.. Kishern was lying!! er.. he was lying dat it was tiru who was payin him n tiru played along wit it u noe.. the nerve of dat guy... in tution, teacher made this really corrupted joke.. n khiru n me was like wat?? n all da boys were laughing like hell! sigh~ i dun understan boys...guess wat??/ MY MOM IS GONNA RAP!!!! chun huh??? n it is this monday at her college so.. my sis n me are gonna go.. but sumhow.. she got us to peform too!! err... she is gonna rap while we sing da chorus.. ^^l we r doin.. Souldja boy: kiss me through the phone// today i wen to my cuzin's hse for EARLY deepavali partii.. playin fire crackers!!!woo hoo!! then their adorable cuzin was takin da fire-crakers n throwin' at us.. but it was pop pop so it wasn't pain.. da whole tme my sis was sms'in-as usual!!
hehe. before da party we wen to DIY shop in taipan so me n my sis were standin outside waitin for my mom to finish payin n she was tokin bout prankin her maths tution teacher or sumthin then a lady comes n asks her-canny- wether they sell hangers n she was like wat?? n then da lady was like oh sry.. n i was tryin so hard to hold back my laughter!! -haha
guess wat?? i got a DRESS!! this time a proper 1,,, but it is so short so my mum said mus wear stokin n it is sleeveless so my mum say mus wear wit jacket.. it is so nice dat my sis wans to borrow it for tons of parties... //err... exam comin out!! n teacher gave us wat was comin out for seni... jus the questions la.. for kertas 2..-freehand paintin- there r 5 questions n 4 questions have to draw people/// sry la.. dunno wat to rite... so.. bye!!
ps: playin restoran city-my sis got me into it!!! Yovisha!!!!!!!!!
hehe. before da party we wen to DIY shop in taipan so me n my sis were standin outside waitin for my mom to finish payin n she was tokin bout prankin her maths tution teacher or sumthin then a lady comes n asks her-canny- wether they sell hangers n she was like wat?? n then da lady was like oh sry.. n i was tryin so hard to hold back my laughter!! -haha
guess wat?? i got a DRESS!! this time a proper 1,,, but it is so short so my mum said mus wear stokin n it is sleeveless so my mum say mus wear wit jacket.. it is so nice dat my sis wans to borrow it for tons of parties... //err... exam comin out!! n teacher gave us wat was comin out for seni... jus the questions la.. for kertas 2..-freehand paintin- there r 5 questions n 4 questions have to draw people/// sry la.. dunno wat to rite... so.. bye!!
ps: playin restoran city-my sis got me into it!!! Yovisha!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Hi!!!-morin' everyone.. or should i say evenin^^ so.. yeaterday... i wen for tution late.. cuz we wen to Mc D's // but had to rush!! den wen to big bookshop no KH n BM form 1 workbooks.. mus hv all finished XD then i wen to tution n da 1st thing they all -mostly kishern-said was... U bought new honda accord car ah?? n i was like wat?? n they still kept on teasin me wit u noe hu.. ~sigh~ anyway i clearly tol them i dun like him nymore' -dat is true ppl!! I DUN LIKE 'HIM' ANYMORE now u noe k?? er... den i wen back home unsatisfied-they listened but din stop teasing me T.T oh well.. sooner or later they will-right??....
....8.45 nex mornin'...
woke up..-n i din go back ti sleep! yay!! then went to bath- i found a big giantic-small- BUG in my bathrom!! so.. i wen to bath in my parents room.. kihirujah called me then i called her back//then wen i was tokin to kishern... i found out that SUMONE IS PAYIN KISHERN TO TEASE ME!!!-wow-if anyone knoes hu it is tell me k?? er... then i studied n fell asleep-so much for not going back to sleep at 8.45// i had this dream-u mus be tinkin' heyyo this girl n her dream ah..-but it was bout da guy i like-da new guy!!!- but dis time i m confused,, bout sumthin dat no 1 in da world can help me decide.. only me..
k.. today in gitar class i will find out hu it is... u'll see.. but i can't tel u hu it is tommorow cuz i won be able to go on comp.. ya'll can wait rite?? till saturday la. n those hu read this.. pls pls pls link me!! thank you... ur link really counts// BYE!!!-ooh!! i noe , i can tel u tonight! yah. if i have time...
muah... xoxox........ YOVISHA
....8.45 nex mornin'...
woke up..-n i din go back ti sleep! yay!! then went to bath- i found a big giantic-small- BUG in my bathrom!! so.. i wen to bath in my parents room.. kihirujah called me then i called her back//then wen i was tokin to kishern... i found out that SUMONE IS PAYIN KISHERN TO TEASE ME!!!-wow-if anyone knoes hu it is tell me k?? er... then i studied n fell asleep-so much for not going back to sleep at 8.45// i had this dream-u mus be tinkin' heyyo this girl n her dream ah..-but it was bout da guy i like-da new guy!!!- but dis time i m confused,, bout sumthin dat no 1 in da world can help me decide.. only me..
k.. today in gitar class i will find out hu it is... u'll see.. but i can't tel u hu it is tommorow cuz i won be able to go on comp.. ya'll can wait rite?? till saturday la. n those hu read this.. pls pls pls link me!! thank you... ur link really counts// BYE!!!-ooh!! i noe , i can tel u tonight! yah. if i have time...
muah... xoxox........ YOVISHA
Monday, October 12, 2009
hot n bla bla bla..
hey... wow!!! today is was weird... well from mornin till now...5.15pm... i woke up so so so late... like bout 12.30.. n i realised dat it was 12. 30 so i was like..OMG.. luckily it wasnt a school day .if not i would have been dead!! so... then i bathed n wen down to eat lunch n i came up n started studiyin... suddenly da doorbell rang!! i was like hu da heck is it?!?! i wen down n checked it was da pipe guy.. weird,, after dat. i was smsin my fwen n canny was like lemme see ur phone n i was like k... n she smsed him a message sayin da boy i like was hot n bla bla bla... then i was like no.. dat was my sis but he still din belive so i guess today i hv to go n straighten things out in tution-dat guy in in my tution- sigh/// n today just so dat she could play on da internet she pesterd me to finish my studiyin....(she threatened to cut my GUITAR STRINGS!!) err.. sometimes i wonder whether she is a good sis or a bad 1.. sigh.. anyway.. i had da best dream ever!!!
first i had a dream la.. den i woke up at 9 n wen back to sleep hoping my alarm clock would wake me up but.. i din set my alarm!! anyway/// my dream was dat i met dis guy hu 1st 1st was a normal guy but l8r on he became blind n i tol him hw he can communicate wit ppl la,,, then l8r on... this evel tree thinggi came n was eating up everyone!! so i was running n running n askin dat guy-the blind guy- for help// then he came out n helped us!!! woo hoo.. then-dis was da weird part- we-me n my cuzins.. they just suddenly appeared- went to da bathroom n wen we came out we saw laxhmen-my cuz- carriying a plate full of fried egg... weird.. den i made fun of him n he started chasing me n we all were laughing n then everything paused... like in da movies!n i woke up!!! lol!!!
weird rite..
first i had a dream la.. den i woke up at 9 n wen back to sleep hoping my alarm clock would wake me up but.. i din set my alarm!! anyway/// my dream was dat i met dis guy hu 1st 1st was a normal guy but l8r on he became blind n i tol him hw he can communicate wit ppl la,,, then l8r on... this evel tree thinggi came n was eating up everyone!! so i was running n running n askin dat guy-the blind guy- for help// then he came out n helped us!!! woo hoo.. then-dis was da weird part- we-me n my cuzins.. they just suddenly appeared- went to da bathroom n wen we came out we saw laxhmen-my cuz- carriying a plate full of fried egg... weird.. den i made fun of him n he started chasing me n we all were laughing n then everything paused... like in da movies!n i woke up!!! lol!!!
weird rite..
Saturday, October 10, 2009
15 bathrooms
hey... yesteray was such a cool day!! -we were supposed to go to da park but it was raining so we were just doin some artwork at rishika's mom's kindergarten.. it was so fun!!! after dat i had lunch in my granma's hse// n went for deevali shopping!! woo hoo!! i bought thiscool punjabi suit which was maroon in colour!! I saw another 1 but the second i said i wanted it another lady took it n bought it!!-just my luck man!!kghry7gfhjesier-hehe dat was my cousin heyraj!! he is hewr n he wanted to write sumthin-heh anyway continueing....i wen bach home n slept la-- i was seriously so tired! den i woke up n got dressed n wen to a hse dat my aunt built// it is so so so cool u noe!!! itt has 2 lifts in it!! my sis kept on sayin omgomgomg!! they also hd electric guitars!!! so so cool!!! it also had a gym, sauna, and a cinema!!n it had 15 bahrooms in it!!! all of it is different patterns!!! but sadly it wasn't hers.. she just built it n has to sell it to sumone...:( after dat we wen for another party which was so boring!! then we wen back there0-my aunty's hse.. n in da end we came back at 1... hehe bye!!!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
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